C 704-741-0378


Paul Beeghly was born in the Bahamas and raised in Miami, Florida. His father was a boat builder and his grandfather, the first Evinrude dealer in south Florida, owned a marina. By the 10th grade, Paul tired of formal education and dropped out, he had dreams of being an engineer, but found difficulty with the math. For several years he built custom Harley Davidsons in the 70’s and 80’s and still rides often. A broad-based statement would include that Paul loves old things and old ways. He has a passion for old machines, tools, appliances, engines and methodology of work. He is a self taught welder, fabricator and blacksmith and enjoys making yard art out of junk metal. He also enjoys cooking outdoors with Dutch Ovens.. “Cowboy cookin” as he describes it. His varied interests, Paul claims, keeps him out of the bars. He is also an avid gun collector with a particular interest in pre-1898 firearms and casts his own bullets and reload ammunition.
Paul bought his 1930 Tudor in 2011 after he found it on eBay in Clarinda, Iowa. It was in original condition and had been parked since 1968. His intentions are to keep it in its original condition as long as possible. His final comment “It’s only original once”.