H 229-853-2462
C 229-815-1628

Jimmy & Alice Parks were high school sweethearts. They both graduated in 1967, got married in 1968 and have three children and six grandchildren. While on their honeymoon, Jimmy received a notice from “Uncle Sam” asking for his assistance (Vietnam heavy then). Instead of being drafted, he joined the Air Force, and retired 20 years later. After working with Weyerhaeuser for 18 years, Jimmy and Alice decided to retire. Both are active in their church and always strive to place the Lord first in all things. They have always been interested in old cars. Even before their marriage they bought a 1951 Ford as a second car. As time progressed, their interest drifted to Model A’s and they enjoy their purchases very much. Jimmy prefers frame-up restorations to taking trips, although they enjoy traveling, too. Presently, they are proud to be members of the Southside A’s, although the distance does prevent them from participating as much as they would like