H 770-461-2507
C 770-527-4039

Tom was born in 1947 in Ocean Port, N.J. and Liz in Miami the same year. Tom was a mechanically inclined youth, having learned from his auto mechanic father who worked with Kaisers and Henry J’s at Kaiser Motors. At 8 years old, Tom took apart and put together his first carburetor. At 14, Tom’s father bought a 1929 Roadster Pickup. The two worked on the car together, fixed it up and sold it for a nice profit. After high school graduation, Tom worked for his future father-in-law for 1-1/2 years. He then had a 20-year career as an electrician and mechanic for Eastern Airlines. Tom and Liz were married in 1965, and moved to Georgia in 1981 when he was promoted as a foreman for Eastern. Since 1988, Tom has had his own electrical contracting business. Liz has been the office manager since 2007, after working for 19 years in data entry for MCS. Tom searched around for a hobby that he could enjoy in later retirement. His old interest in Model A’s returned and he and Liz bought a 1931 Victoria which is now undergoing a complete rebuilding. Both Tom and Liz find the Southside A’s to be an important part of their lives. They love the touring, the people, the eating, and the pure joy of the hobby. Tom served as the Tech Director for 2 years and as Vice-Director for 1 year.